The Rolvenden Curriculum
Our broad, balanced and aspirational curriculum has been developed by our staff incorporating the latest research, clear sequential knowledge and skills progressions along with opportunities for learning ‘beyond the classroom’.
All of our Knowledge Organisers and Skills Maps are available for you to browse by clicking the button below.
Rolvenden Primary School continues to be a good school
“The school has carefully crafted an ambitious curriculum that builds knowledge effectively as pupils move through the school.”
Ofsted June 2024
Overall Vision
Our School has designed its own Creative Curriculum which is based upon the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum.
Each class follows their own theme through which the National Curriculum subjects are taught. We have selected themes which will stimulate and inspire our children, allowing them to work effectively, independently and collaboratively. For every subject, the teachers have carefully mapped out the skills which will be taught and the knowledge to be imparted and all of these documents can be downloaded from this Curriculum Hub.
The overall Rolvenden themes map can be downloaded to the right:
Theme Maps
Each half term, the teachers produce a mind map of each theme which identifies the disciplinary knowledge which will be taught throughout that term.
Hazel (EYFS)

Oak (Y1 / Y2)

Willow (Y3 / Y4)

The Subjects
As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we study all subjects which are referenced in the national curriculum. Visit their specific pages below to find out more information about each of them.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework aims to build a secure foundation for children to progress through school life. It is a framework for children from 0-5 years of age. In Hazel Class, the teachers use this information to inform their planning and assessment.
For a Parents’ Guide to the EYFS Framework please click here:
The National Curriculum
The curriculum for children in Years 1- 6 is based on the National Curriculum. Co-ordinators have used this structure and identified appropriate resources to support the delivery of the key areas. The subjects within the National Curriculum are: English, Maths, Science, Art, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Languages, Computing, Physical Education, Religious Education, Personal Social and Health Education (including Relationships and Sex Education) and Music.
A Parents’ Guide to the National Curriculum can be viewed here:
Our Curriculum and the Equality Act 2010
All of the staff at Rolvenden are aware of the Equality Act 2010 and the necessity to ensure that our curriculum ensures that all staff, students, parents and people beyond the school are equal regardless of religious beliefs, sexual orientations, gender and gender identity.
We respect, recognise and value differences and build in opportunities to explore diversity. Positive relationships and attitudes are fostered throughout the school and this creates a culture where negative or harmful attitudes can be challenged.
All of our classrooms are inclusive and training is regularly held for staff to ensure that we have the highest standards for all of our students, especially those most vulnerable.
Greater Depth Strategy
At Rolvenden, we believe in unlocking the full potential of every student.
Out Greater Depth strategy is designed to challenge and inspire learners who are ready for more advanced tasks. Through personalising our curriculum and by tailoring support, we aim to offer opportunities to stretch and deepen understanding across all of our subjects.
Our dedicated teachers provide adapted instruction, encourage critical thinking and offer opportunities for creativity and problem solving. By formalising our Greater Depth strategy, we empower students to excel academically and reach new heights of achievement.
Our Greater Depth strategy can be downloaded by clicking the link adjacent.