History at Rolvenden
At Rolvenden, we aim to impress upon children the importance of understanding the past and how key events and people have shaped our every day life. We aim to ensure all children have opportunities to ask questions and make links between existing knowledge and what they are learning.
Subject on a Page
Click the button below to see our ‘Subject on a Page’ document for History at Rolvenden.
This explains our curriculum intent (what we intend to deliver), the implementation (how we intend to deliver it) and the impact (what difference we expect to make).
If you have any questions, please contact our History subject leader, Miss Whitlock.

Knowledge Organisers
Our Knowledge Organisers for History are produced three times a year for each class. For EYFS, check out their dedicated page. They are labelled as Cycle A (A) or Cycle B (B) as we run a two year cycle of themes.
Oak (Y1 / Y2)

Willow (Y3 / Y4)

Disciplinary Knowledge Progression
Disciplinary knowledge focuses on the understanding required in order to develop the ability ‘to think like an historian’. At Rolvenden, we have two key documents which outline this knowledge – they both contain the same information but one is organised by year group, whilst the other is organised by disciplinary thread.