About Rolvenden Primary School
Welcome to Rolvenden!
This page outlines the key information related to a day in the life of Rolvenden Primary School. More detail on all of the information below can be found in our Parent Information Guide.
Rolvenden Primary School continues to be a good school
“Pupils know that they are expected to work hard and behave well. They take pride in their achievements. At playtimes, pupils get along well, whether involved in skipping challenges, enjoying the wooded area or active in ball games. They encourage each other, and shouts of ‘Well done,’ or ‘Good pass,’ are commonplace.”
Ofsted June 2024

School Day
You enter our school for drop-off and collection using the gate at the rear of the school. We operate a one way system which means you can drop your child directly at their classroom door.
Our school day starts at 8.45am and runs until 3:15pm
We welcome children through the school gates from 8.35am and they are closed at 8.45am.
Our gates reopen at the end of the school day at 3.15pm and are closed at 3:20pm.
More information on contacting your child’s class teacher can be found using the contact us page of this website or by downloading the Parent Information Guide below.
Our Uniform
All children are expected to wear a standard school uniform. It is a way by which they can be recognised as belonging to the school and it fosters a positive attitude towards their learning. The Rolvenden uniform is quite distinctive and children wear it with pride.
The core components of the Rolvenden uniform are as follows:
- Yellow polo shirt
- Brown sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo.
- Grey trousers/short/skirt
- Black shoes.
- Yellow Gingham Dress
A detailed overview of our uniform along with information about how to order and our supply of second hand uniform can be found in the Parent Information Guide which can be downloaded by using the link below.

We are proud of our PE and sports offering here at Rolvenden and expect all of our children to wear a standard kit when participating in this type of activity.
The core components of our PE Kit are as follows:
- Yellow t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers
- Optional: Black Joggers and a Jumper
All of these elements can be ordered from the office.
A detailed overview of our uniform along with information about how to order and our supply of second hand uniform can be found in the Parent Information Guide which can be downloaded by using the link
Behaviour Expectations
We have high expectations of the children’s behaviour at Rolvenden and aim to develop a sense of community and shared responsibility both in and out of school.
We keep school rules to a minimum and follow three guiding principles:
- Be Kind
- Be Honest
- Do our Best
All staff, children and adults sign a home-school agreement at the beginning of their time at Rolvenden and this lays out these expectations along with what the school will offer the children in return. We pride ourselves on our communication and welcome feedback on all aspects of our educational offering.
You can find more information about this on our communication page or by reading our behaviour policy which can be downloaded below.

Kent County Council Contact Details
Admissions and Transport Office Room 2.24
Sessions House County Hall Maidstone Kent. ME14 1XQ Tel: 03000 412121
E-mail: primaryadmissions@kent.gov.uk
Our School Contact Details:
Rolvenden Primary School
Hastings Rd, Rolvenden, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4LS
Telephone 01580 241444
Ofsted 2024
“Pupils are surrounded with care and kindness at this small, friendly school. The school’s motto, ‘Small school – Big difference’, captures their experiences here. Pupils enjoy playing and learning together.
Parents are very positive about the school. They describe how it has a ‘family feel’. A parent summed up the views of many in describing it as ‘giving the children confidence to grow and become kind young adults by the time they leave’.”